martedì 24 febbraio 2009


From a corner, crouching, the soul
rolls paper arrows of thoughts,
in an attempt to hit your heart,
with the uncertainty blowpipe,
we had, children, in the countryside.

Did hurts and frightens you
with flashes of sky and roof ...
of domes to climb ...
of stairs to climb
and back down again and again!

Listen ... hear the whistle of a boat ...
tirelessly acrosses the lagoon
and its slow grumble
carries you again, where your heart is lost.

But let go: rise with the sun
and feel the beat of your sailing wind

I love you, Alice
Paola Gerini estate 2005

Da un cantuccio, rannicchiata,
l'anima arrotola pirulini di pensieri,
nel tentativo di colpire il tuo cuore,
con la cerbottana incerta di quando
si era bambini in campagna.

Ti ferisce e ti spaventa con sprazzi di cielo
e di tetti... di cupole da scalare...
di scale da salire e ridiscendere
ancora e ancora!

Ascolta... senti il fischio di un battello...
solca la laguna e il suo borbottare lento
ti rimena dove il tuo cuore si perde.

Ma lasciati andare: levati col sole
e senti la tua vela sbattere di vento,

Ti voglio bene, Alice
Paola Gerini estate 2005

English or not english?

Wow! It's magic! Now, after hundreds of mistakes I've my own blog! I'll able to post all my poems, recepies and tales... Ops! I'm an Italian lady, but I've a lot of relatives and friends in USA... how could I write in this blog? Maybe it's better in italian... my english is a little bit scholastic!!!

Many kisses to my very very large and cool American family... I miss you! Each of you!

Hope to see you soon!